FAQ:Rotator Control and wtRotators

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How do I control my rotators with Win-Test?

Win-Test provides a separate program called wtRotators to connect to rotator control boxes. wtRotators shares the rotator controller with one or more copies of Win-Test via local TCP/IP broadcast messages. A third party program called PstRotatorAz offered by YO3DMU may also be used with Win-Test instead of wtRotators.

Both Win-Test and wtRotators/PstRotatorsAz have to be configured to use the same broadcast address and port number, or else Win-Test and the rotator control software will not be able to communicate.

In both environments, it is essential to configure the same broadcast address and port number in both programs.

Win-Test will automatically calculate beam headings and rotate the appropriate antenna as long as this information is properly defined to wtRotators. See Add your rotators.

Can I make wtRotators start automatically when I start Win-Test?

Yes. In Win-Test, select Windows | Rotators then right click and select Local wtRotators | Start/stop automatically.

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